Monday, March 22, 2010

Family, Cant Live With Them and Wont Survive Without Them

No matter the size, social status, religion, race, or color, whether you come from a single parent family, divorced and remarried parents, or your parents just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, every family has them! Every family has the matriarch, the one who hosts the best holiday dinners because nobody cooks like her or the one who spoils all the kids rotten. Every family has the fun aunt/uncle, the aunt who wears too much lip stick, the aunt who loves to pinch your cheeks (and usually those aunts are one in the same). Then there's the rich hermit that no one knows much about, the one who's been married too many times to count, the rebel, the addict/alcoholic, the perpetual grouch, the hopeless optimistic, the "religious" fanatic, and the comedian. However, let's not forget the know-it-all, the smartass, and the control freak! (if this really only applies to my family then y'all are missing out!) Sounds like a circus right?! But it's like I said, can't live with them but won't survive without them.

If you were to look up the word 'crazy' in the dictionary you would see a picture of my family. You would also see the same picture if you looked up the word 'reliable'. For my family lunacy is genetic, as is impatience and what I like to call the 'bitch switch' (this last one is more a problem for the women folk, at any given point in time if someone flips that switch, whoever is on the receiving end is as good as gone). But this is only one side of my hair-brained family.

The other side, the reliability, when in full swing actually makes our lunacy worth standing (which is not an easy job). If your family is anything like mine then it's full of all the little quirks that make you want to scratch your eyeballs out and yet you can't seem to go on without them. There's just something about that crazy bunch that keeps you from trading in for an upgrade. Whatever that reason is, hang onto is, because it comes in handy when you want to disown them!

There are times when my family gives me more headaches than anything else, BUT, the days that they don't give me that feeling are worth the days they do. When I need my family they're always there, I have never and will never doubt that (granted there are times when I don't want them there, but that's different). No matter who walks in or out of my life my family is always there, even on the days I feel stuck with them I'm still grateful!

I may not be able to live with my family but I sure don't want to try to live without them!

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