Friday, October 22, 2010

What's Your End Game?

I walked into the Guitar Center on Sunset Blvd today looking for an electric guitar for my nephew. I found a few that might be suitable for him, but that's not why this story is noteworthy. I got to talking with one of the guys that works there and at some point in the conversation he asked what my end game was. Because of the city that I live in the question 'who are you?' really means 'why are you here?'. Rarely do people actually want to know your story, they just want to know whether or not you will be any sort of competition for them. I was not offended by his question, just caught for guard, most people in this town would consider the 'end game' obvious...fame. I liked that he didn't assume that. With as much as his question surprised me my answer surprised me much more. I told him that I don't care what I am doing as long as I love it! Some people may think it's a copout, that it's the answer may expect from someone who has no dreams or aspirations, but that isn't true at all. I have many dreams. I want to be a successful writer. I want to be a successful musician. I want to be a successful photographer. I want to travel the world. I want to be a wife and a mother and a grandmother. I add new things to my bucket list everyday. With the dreams that I have it almost seems as though I am living more then one life, but there is one thing that they all have in common. No matter what I end up doing I want to love it! I want my work to be play and my play to be work. I want to give my excellence in everything. I want to love and laugh and even cry as long and hard and often as possible. I want to enjoy every minute of my life, the great, the good, the bad, and even the ugly because every second counts. So my end game is to look back on my life from my death bed and be able to say that I did it well! 

What is your end game?!

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