Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's Overrated Until You Have It

Dreams are fun to dream until you fall trying to reach them. And love is warm and comforting until it's cold and distant. Tears are okay to cry until you can't stop them. And laughter is freeing until it's fake. At some point in each of our lives everything we stand for, what we believe in, the way we look at the world around us, all of it will be challenged. One day we wake up and realize that dreams and love require hard work and commitment. For some rising to the challenge is the natural option, for others, it's the only option. But there are some that it doesn't come naturally to and some that see victory as an illusion; it's just not in the stars for them. We grow up and forget how to see the magic in the world. We lose track of the simple joys. We stop hoping for anything. We slowly learn to settle. We make the best of mediocre even though we were designed for great. Great takes work and work is hard. We start to believe that greatness is overrated and we joke that everyone else is racing for it and we want to be different. Hearts break and stop believing that fairy tale love exists. Dreams aren't reached the first time and we question if we have what it takes or if we dreamed too big. We hide behind that laughter to avoid the pain. 

But what about the person who reached their dream? What about the one who wakes up every morning next to the person that they were sure to never find? They won't tell you it's overrated! It isn't. It's everything they wanted it to be and chances are good that it's more. Sometimes we stop believing, but life has a strange way of converting the worst of cynics. And it only takes that once to change it all. It takes one success to make all the failures fade. It takes one perfect day to make you forget that you never thought it would come. 

Those dreams and hopes and wishes about love and life and greatness aren't overrated, they're simply hard to find sometimes. And other times you aren't supposed to find them, they are to find you. When that happens you can be sure that the part of you that refused to stop believing is going to whisper...

"I told you so..."

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