Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Longing To Belong and Not

Last night was good. Last night was also difficult. It's rough wanting something so much, it feeling so right and being told no. Told I can't have it. Being home (in Eugene) I know where I belong. I know what to do, where to go, and who to invest in. It's like riding a bicycle, or breathing, I don't have to remember how to because I don't forget. I don't have to think twice. There in lies the problem. Knowing where I belong comes with such a sense of safety that I tend to forget who I belong to. Now, consciously I know it's more important to remember who's I am, but most of the time it's easier to react instead of respond. I was driving home from church last night strongly missing home and I found myself asking God if I could move back home. It felt so good to be breathing fresh air again, to feel like myself again. I took the long way home because I wanted to feel it all again! But when I let my thoughts quiet down just enough I heard God tell me, "you can't stay". I wanted to ask why, but I already knew the answer. I can't stay because He's calling me to something greater then comfortability. He's not calling me to belong to a place but to Him. Part of me wants to argue that something that feels so right can't be wrong, but I have a feeling it would be futile. I know He would let me plead my case but when I finally paused to take a breath He would still tell me, "you can't stay".

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