Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Stupid but I Have To

So this afternoon (technically yesterday afternoon) I was working with my little cousin on his science project. The subject is air pollution and so we were gathering together all the required facts because the final project is due Monday. Well then my aunt showed up.

Now my cousin already has issues with paying attention, he and school do not get along at all. (Sadly nothing seems to catch his interest no matter what I do.) Anyway, my aunt joins us at the table and starts yapping, which doesn't at all help improve his ability to focus. Mid me trying to explain the difference between primary and secondary pollutants my aunt chimes in with this idiotic statement..."wood is an air pollutant." (she was entirely serious too.)

Just so were all on the same page I googled the definition of AIR POLLUTION:

Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odour in harmful amounts. That is, amounts which could be harmful to the health or comfort of humans and animals or which could cause damage to plants and materials.

Apparently she missed the part where air pollutants actually have to be in the air! As I tried to explain to her why it wasn't considered an air pollutant she continued to tell me I was wrong and then asked if metal was! (are you kidding me?!)

Now I'm not afraid to be wrong, and if she had challenged me and had been right I would have corrected what I had said (and taught my cousin). However I wasn't wrong and instead of lettting it go she persisted. (chances are good that in my frustration, even hours later, I may be making this sound worse then it was, but I was really really frustrated!!) And even though I don't appreciate the needless dicussion what she doesn't get is that her lack of understanding the subject couldve waited, she's not the one that needs to know the information solidly by Monday and her questions managed only to confuse an already confused mind.

*sigh* ....I think that I'm done! (I will not make a habit of this, venting in such a direct way, it's rather distasteful, but tonight it's what I needed.)

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