Wednesday, April 21, 2010

9 Days and Counting

Nine days until I turn 23, but it's only eight days until I leave for Oahu, Hawaii. It's also only eight days until my best friend turns 23. I still haven't told her I'm going to Hawaii.
This year has been a lot of firsts for me. First time I haven't lived in the same state as my parents, first time I haven't had a job, first time I haven't been actively serving in a church. First Easter without my family, first earthquake, first time being the only Christian in the lot of them. This is the first time I will be celebrating a birthday in Hawaii. This will also be the first time, since we met, that I don't spend my birthday with my best friend.
Change is good, I truly do believe that, but some things are harder to get use to than others. What I loved about our birthdays being a day apart was making such a big deal about hers. I don't have that luxury this year.
I hope that eight days is enough time to clear the lingering clouds overhead so that I can simply enjoy my vacation.
Cross your fingers with me.

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