Friday, April 23, 2010

Dirty Little Secret

It's amazing what we'll admit when no one knows the truth revealed is ours.

Somestimes our secrets are inconsequential...

Others are questionable...

Some are obvious...

While others we wish we could change...

Some lies we tell because were ashamed of the truth...

Others we keep silent about because were afraid of it...

Some secrets are filled with gratitude...

Others filled with the gratitude we hope to have...

Some secrets express our desires...

Others give you instructions on how to handle us...

Some admit our mistakes...

Others, that we don't have it all together...

And some secrets carry a simple truth that we want to anonymously share...

Whatever the case may be and regardless the secret, we all have them. If writing it on a personalized post card and mailing it to a stranger makes you feel better then do it. If not, then find a method that does.

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