Saturday, January 30, 2010

"It's 3am...." -Hilarie Burton (savvy?)

Occasionally I find it ironic when someone you have never met seems to be inside your head! Case in point, Hilarie Burton's latest blog posting on (if you still haven't checked it out please do!) 

(and i quote)..."3am. Insomnia is a bitch, my friends. But even as tired as I am, there's something mystical about being up when the whole rest of the world is dreaming. The quiet is pure and you have to really know yourself to be able to sit around in all that silence. There was a time when I would play the radio or leave TVs on, just to have distracting racket to keep me from being too much in my head.

"But right now......things are good right now." (this isn't even half the blog, so again, please go read the rest of it!)

(here was my comment...)

3am would be considered a "normal" bedtime for me, however most people who know me are trying to tell me its anything but that. And its true, to be awake when the rest of those living in my time zone are sleeping takes a subtle strength that I think we sometimes take for granted.

Dave Tyson Gentry said, "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable."  I believe this saying also holds true for being comfortable with ourselves. Not everyone can do it. 

My favorite time of the day is the hours when everyone else is sleeping (dont get me wrong, I love the hours when the rest of the world is awake too!). Those quiet, uninterrupted moments are the ones when I am most creative, and therefore most productive when it comes to what I love to do, write. They're also the moments that I am free to get lost in a good book with a blanket and a cup of tea. 

I am glad that staying up to an "ungodly" hour came with breaths of fresh air and excitement for you Hilarie! I'm also glad that I am not the only one! ;p


Hilarie, in her blog, also mentions the winter being the hardest season of creativity because of her love of the sun and all the green that the warmer months bring. I love the sun, afterall I am moving to LA, so if I don't then I'm in trouble, however there's something about the winter that speaks to me. Everything, on the outside looks...dead, almost. Stores close earlier, the sun sets sooner, there aren't any leaves on the trees, or flowers growing up through the cracks in the pavement. Life seems to be at a standstill for the most part. People are driven indoors where it's warm and dry. And it's during this season that I love to breathe life into the lifeless so to speak. Nothing will ever take the place of the inspiration that I receive from the sun beaming on my face and life in full swing around me, but I can say the same for that of winter as well.

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