Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What If He'd Asked You to Stay?

Friends of mine, a married couple, recently started a new ministry. Truth be told, I don't know much about it and for personal reasons I haven't asked the right questions to be well informed. Anyway, they recently launched their website and, of course, I gave it a thorough run threw. Everything seems to be on the up and up, nothing blasphemous in any way (which is good), but there's one thing that didn't quite settle with me. Now perhaps I am being overly critical, perhaps my personal opinions (and occasionally still hurt feelings) are unable to keep me from being biased. I would like to think that isn't the case, but I am human. 

At some point in their opening statement of introducing the new adventure that they are about to embark on they call the life they are currently living 'mundane'. Granted, I know that it's a matter of opinion and that it very well may be just that, typical and ordinary. But the comment that immediately follows is that a life outside of the one they are currently living would somehow be more exciting, which considering what they are going to do is probably true. And I am a big believer about seizing the moment because you never know if you will cross another one like it. However, not all of those moments have to be the extravagant ones that take place on center stage. If there's one thing that I've learned over the last year it's that sometimes the moments that count aren't the most glamorous or exciting or public. Sometimes it's doing the things that few will notice that will have the greatest impact. It's the change that takes place inside of us that matters more than the changes that everyone else sees. And it's not about life being exciting, it's about life being purposeful and carrying out the purpose that God has placed on your life. 

Jesus had some exciting, center stage moments, but He also had some simple, typical moments. All that mattered to Him was being in the right place at the right time, and it didn't matter if He was sitting with Mary in her living room or walking on water. Every moment had a purpose that He neither classified as exciting or mundane. Every encounter had a purpose! 

Now hear me when I say that I am in no way telling my friends they are wrong for what they said. And perhaps the way I read it is not AT ALL the way that they meant it. All I know is that it stirred something in me I felt I needed to share. Right now, my life is not what anyone would necessarily call exciting, I can think of much more exciting things to do with my time, however I know that every moment is necessary. And Christ promised a life to the fullest, and I will drive this point home until I am blue in the face, living in the middle is boring, but you cannot and will not ever fully appreciate the fullness of how exciting a life with God can be until  you know how ordinary it can feel at times. Sometimes you are just going through the motions, but those motions still have purpose and God wants that to keep us excited! 

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