Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Hardest Thing is Doing Nothing, or Close to It

If you were to ask me if I would take a bullet for someone the answer would be yes. The list of those I would willingly step in harms way for would most likely be of average length. I know I wouldn't have to think twice about it, after all, everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone wants to do the outrageously selfless thing. For me, taking a bullet would be easier than a lot of things. It would be easier than asking for forgiveness, it would be easier than admitting I was wrong, and it would most certainly be easier than telling someone that Jesus loves them. It's a strange notion that speaking such simple words could prove to be so challenging. I was commissioned to go and make disciples. I was commissioned to bring the same message Jesus did. I was commissioned to teach. Instead I would rather fix and orchestrate, I would prefer to provide a way out instead of a way through. I was commissioned to do the only thing that i am capable of doing and respectively, the easiest thing. You can imagine my surprise when I realized I didn't want to do what was asked of me because I thought it was too easy, and the lack of challenge meant a lack of significance. But I can't even do the easy thing. I'd rather take a bullet. How's that for irony? The only thing I can do is the last thing I would consider doing. They say when it comes to watching someone you love do something you hate the hardest thing to do is to do nothing. I think that's the second hardest thing. The hardest thing, it's watching someone you love do something you hate despite your words of wisdom and love and truth. Doing nothing is hard, but it isn't the worse thing. 

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