Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Doing Away With Words

We were just sitting there. T.V. on in the background. Dogs attempting to get comfortable. But those were the only noises. We hardly looked at each other, let alone uttered a word. We knew that we didn't have to. There was nothing new to talk about. We already knew what the other was thinking, we were thinking it too. And the feelings, those hadn't changed in months and a conversation about them was unlikely to change them now. It was unnecessary, so why ruin a perfectly perfect moment with words? We could talk until we were blue in the face, we could journey every road through conversation and we would still end the journey in the same place. It takes much more to sit and be still and enjoy the moment for exactly what it is. Difficult and beautiful. Bitter and sweet. Painful and peaceful. You don't always need words to experience both extremes and sometimes those moments come and go with greater ease when they do so unannounced and unexplained. So there we sat, watching her chest rise and fall, without speaking a word. It was perfect. 

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