Tuesday, September 21, 2010

'It Is What It Is' is bullshit...

I loathe the phrase 'it is what it is', to me it's a cop out, an excuse not to try, an excuse not to hope. Instead of telling your life that you own it, by saying those five simple words you tell your life that it owns you and whatever happens happens and there's nothing you can do about it. It's bullshit.

Things do happen that are out of your control. Things will always happen that will be out of your control. But that doesn't mean that life just is what it is, it doesn't mean you don't have the ability to shift the atmosphere, learn from your mistakes, grow up, make a difference. Life isn't supposed to just happen to you, it's not supposed to be so easy to sweep you up and away wherever the current decides it wants to go. It's been my experience that people only say 'it is what it is' when they feel defeated, when they think they have done everything possible to change the situation or when they have somehow convinced themselves it isn't worth it. It's bullshit. 

Even if fighting to change something doesn't work, it changes you, and that matters! You dare to be honest, brave, you set free the madness inside of you and it may not change anything in the world around you. But you can change the world around you by hopping on a bus or a plane or a train, but you can't leave the world inside you anywhere. If you throw those five words out the window and realize that it doesn't have to be that way, then something about you changes, and that is a change worth fighting for. 

'It is what it is' doesn't make things go away and it doesn't make you feel better about it. 'It is what it is" is bullshit...


  1. Everytime i find myself about to say the age old phrase 'it is what it is'...i think back to reading this and how i FELT reading it - and i quickly rephrase what it is i was saying. Thanks for helping put things in perspective!

  2. OMG THANK YOU!! I say this time and time again to people. It annoys me when they don't realise they do have control with the decisions and choices they make. That's what instigates change.

  3. I am so glad that I am not the only one who feels this way!!
