Sunday, February 7, 2010

Life is Like Basketball?!

(this is never an analogy that i ever saw myself making, so we'll see how this goes)

I've been in LA just two days shy of a week and today was the first day the sun was really out! A nice break from the rain, for sure. Well I took advantage of it and decided to play some basketball, of course it was just the ball, the hoop, and myelf, but worth it. There's nothing like a game of one!

I hadn't picked up a basketball in over a year before this morning, which is sad because I use to play. But just like riding a bike, it doesn't matter how long you go without doing it, you don't forget how. I didn't play for very long, but in that half hour it all came back to me, how and where to plant my feet, the timing for a lay up, the release point for the ball, all of it. Including that certain feeling of knowing when the ball was going in and when it wasn't. There are times when the ball leaves your hands and you realize before it gets anywhere close to the basket that it's going to come up short, there's too much spin, or not enough, or that you forced the shot because you felt the pressure and just had to get rid of the ball. (and yes you do get that feeling even playing against yourself). But that feeling you get when the ball leaves your hands and you know without a doubt that the next sound youre going to hear is the swish of the that is a beautiful feeling.

Like life, we do things that we know the moment we do them we know its not going to work out the way that we want to. We hope and pray that we're wrong and that it turns out better than our gut feeling is telling us it will, but it doesn't. There are other times that we know the outcome before we take that leap and we know that it's going to be amazing! It's about taking your time, and lining up the shot, and trusting your gut from time to time. Those are the beautiful moments because they finish out with a beautiful sound!

(i have a feeling that this analogy needs work, and could be more cohesive, but I wasn't going for cohesive, I just simply wanted to express a feeling. i think i did that.)

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