Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whats Worth the Price is Always Worth the Fight

when youre young there are battles waiting for you that you can never imagine...when youre finally on the front lines you wonder how you got there...when did it get so hazy that you wound up here...

when youre young dreams seem to be easily attainable...theres nothing that is impossible...not when youre young...

as you grow up the world tries to curb this idea that all things are you grow up you realize that things are harder than you thought they might be...when you grow up you realize that some things are worth fighting for...and that others are not...

as you grow up you struggle with learning to know the struggle with finding yourself in a world littered with false grasp onto the closest thing that you believe will hold you up...and then you watch that also come undone...

God was very clear about one were worth the price...

you are worth the blood that Christ are worth the weight He bore when He died on the are worth the mocking comments...the anguish...the experience of for a brief time not hearing His are worth the are worth the pain...and though He doesnt have to He would do it all again...

when we grow up we begin to decide who or what is worth fighting for...the reasons behind our fight varies...because we dont want to be alone...because its the right thing to do...because walking away would hurt more...out of self preservation...out of fear...out of hurt...out of love...

sometimes we have to spend a while fighting before we understand that we werent suppose to fight to begin with...we have to look at the fact that our motivation was selfish...that what we did was ever meant to change anything...that sometimes its better to do nothing than something...

when we decide what to fight for we decide which side to stand on...and there really only are two sides...the side of truth...and the side of lies...defending the side of lies will bring instant gratification...defending the truth, though may take longer to see the fruit of...will always win...look in the back of the book...i did...

theres truthfully not much in this world worth the fight...not when we cant take anything with us...whats the point of holding onto it...?...i can only think of two things that i would fight for...the souls of the lost who have yet to find their way home...and for the return of the prodigal sons and daughters...those who have tasted Gods grace and then decided to go their own way...

if im not fighting for either of these things then i am fighting in vain...

the certain heartache...the great measure of patience...the countless hours spent on your knees...the tears and the sweat...the sleepless nights...the restless days...the doubt that fights as hard as the reassurance...the joy in the midst of the pain...the peace in the middle of all the chaos...seeing others through the eyes of their Creator...feeling the heart that He has for His beloved...the waiting...

whats worth the fight is always worth the price...

you can never go wrong with investing into the Kingdom of God...

ive been commissioned to do so...

and im ready...

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