Monday, January 11, 2010

Well Adjusted...

         I moved around a lot as a youngster. I went to six(maybe seven) elementary schools and i didn't go to kindergarten. And no neither one of my parents are in the military. Looking back I feel like all the moving and having to make new friends constantly must have been trying on my little spirit. But I recently had a conversation with my mom about it and she said that I was the only one of us three kids that adjusted well. (which only means that my insecurities that I blamed on the moving are the product of something else, back to the drawing board I suppose)
        But hear I am moving to LA and I almost can't believe that I'm really doing it. I keeping wondering if I'm having some out of body experience because after all that moving I swore i'd never do it again. It's funny how things change. (sidenote: if you ever want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.) I'm about to embark on the biggest change of my life in the last decade by myself. For those who graduated high school and left home for college...I'm not one of you. I went straight into working and I love what I do so it worked out well. (i'm a care provider for the elderly and developmentally disabled). But I seem to have this gift when it comes to writing the right words so I'm going to LA to see where that takes me.
        Writing is like breathing for me, just like making beautiful harmonies is for a musician! If I'm not writing, you better call the doctor because something is seriously wrong. I know what I'm capable of and I never cease to amaze myself with some of the things I put on paper(or a computer). Now I want to know what the world thinks. And I never thought I would come to the place where my excitement outweighed my fear, but here I am. On the precipice of the most life changing decision I've made in my entire life.
        Maybe my mom was right. I'm not worried about making friends or being alone, I'm worried about not getting lost as I navigate this enormous city and understanding those who don't speak fluent English, which is
pretty much everyone! Maybe I do adjust well and don't feel that way because all the stuff that makes me nervous is small in the grand scheme of things...and if I'm sweating the small stuff then I must be a basket case right?! (don't answer that!)

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