Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sometimes I Just Don't Know...

God is a God of revelation. He loves to let us in on the secret! But God is also a God of mystery, for without mystery there would be no secret to tell. He is as good at keeping the secret as He is at revealing it. He's consistent that way. The danger for us is that we get complacent or impatient and we lose interest in something full of His greatness and glory.

It happens a lot in relationships and that's sad, because it was never meant to be that way. But we get to thinking that we know someone, we begin to anticipate their responses, their decisions, and their heart until eventually they feel as though we have put them in a box that says we have them figured out. That's suffocating for the person inside and controlling for the one who put them there. I hate feeling like someone has figured me out and I hate it when people treat me like they have. I've noticed that I've stopped doing certain things or saying certain things because I've heard it so often that I just shouldn't do that or that it isn't me. Sometimes people even tell me that God does talk to me 'like that' even though I'm the one that had the conversation with Him and He absolutely does. And I LOVE that He talks to me on a level that makes sense to me, that gets me to laugh even when I'm crying or gets me to shut up when I feel like I still have so much to say. I LOVE that He can do that!

I am not against God bringing revelation about myself to someone else and that someone else telling me. I'm against that revelation being used against me. I'm against being bullied by something that God found reason to trust that person with. I am not perfect either and I have put people in boxes, but relationships get really old really fast that way. Lately I constantly find myself being surprised by people in my life; just when I think I have them figured out they do something (any size of something) just to remind me that I don't and that I probably never will. I LIKE that too.

I like that there will always be something to learn about the people I hold closest. I like that if I'm really honest then iron will always sharpen iron. I like that I have the choice to never get bored in my relationships. If God is great at both keeping secrets and revealing them then shouldn't we be great at anticipating that there will always be a secret to be told, there will always be something glorious that we don't know, that He is waiting to tell us?

Relationships at their best are indeed work, but that doesn't mean work can't be fun!

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