Thursday, May 10, 2012

Missions Trip to Guatemala

Hello Friends and Family, 

For most of you there is much to catch up on, however this email will be project specific. 

This past February a very good friend of mine had the wonderful opportunity to go to Guatemala with a missions team. A week later, when she came home, the first thing she said to me was, "Next time, you're coming with me." So, after much prayer and wrestling through doubts/concerns as to whether or not it was even realistic financially and simply timing wise, I am going, in June and that is why I am writing all of you. 

The trip is from June 9 to June 17th, and we will be going to Mision El Faro in Guatemala ( It is Guatemalan based, inter-denominational Christian organization that serves to bring the love of God to the people of Guatemala through camps and retreats, providing medical services, children's ministries, and much more. However, because of the favor that my friend received with those she worked along side with she was given the opportunity to lead a team from the states in doing something a little different this time around. We have a team of six going, several with the heart to bring the arts to the more rural areas of the nation. I have been dubbed the one to document the trip, as well as serve wherever I may be needed, which I am very excited about. For those of you who even browse my Facebook it's not hard to see that pictures are something I take pride in. It has been several years since I have been on a missions trip and I am very much looking forward to not only the ways that I will be able to be a blessing, but also the ways that I will be blessed. 

This is the part where I ask for your help. While I wish otherwise, money is necessary to make this trip happen and the total cost is $1300.00. However, what is more necessary is prayer covering. We do not fight things of this world and prayer is important for winning the battle before we even get there. Please partner with me in whatever way you feel the Holy Spirit leading you! Some specific prayer requests of mine are:
  1. That my passport comes in on time (that will be a miracle all it's own)
  2. That all of my financial support comes in
  3. Health and safety on the flight and the while in Guatemala
  4. Unity among the team that we take for a missions trip not only tests our relationship with God but also with those we work with 
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and take it to the Lord in prayer! Below is a link to my PayPal account if you want to donate financially to this amazing opportunity! 

You are wonderful and I am so grateful to be able to share this journey that God is taking me on with you!

With Many Blessings and the All His Love, 


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