Monday, December 27, 2010

What God Has Joined Together...

"What God has joined together, let no man separate." 
-Mark 10:9

If there was a biblical catch phrase for weddings this verse would be it, but I don't want to talk about weddings this time. 

Things are always clearer in hindsight, that fact is a blessing and a curse all in itself, but this time hindsight is a blessing through and through! Tragedy is capable of one of two things, making or breaking a person's spirit, and what it does to one's spirit will effect every aspect of their life. As my grandmother's passing became more and more of a reality many of us questioned the direction it would push us individually and consequently as a family. It would've broken my grandmother's heart if her death broke us apart, if we stopped being family simply because the strongest bond between us all was her and she was gone. That would've been unacceptable to her and I believe it would've been unacceptable to God. I have relationships with people in my family that I never thought I would, I have stronger relationships with others that I didn't think could get stronger. I reconnected with people that I lost touch with. It's sad that it took my grandmother's death to make it happen, but it's the best way that we, as a family, could honor her. 

I didn't get to pick my family, God gave it to me. I don't think I could have picked a better one to be apart of had He let me. And tragedy didn't break my family, that's one more thing that my grandmother can dance in Heaven about. 

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