Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tell the Truth, Don't Tell the Truth

They say that telling the truth matters, telling the truth changes things, and people; what they don't tell you is that telling the truth doesn't always do the good you want it to, sometimes not right away and sometimes not ever (that you will see). Those out-of-sight-out-of-mind moments can be very discouraging. It makes telling the truth hard and seemingly without purpose. But if those of us called to tell the truth refuse, then those called to face the truth never will...

Here's my dilemma...

I know things, things that I am glad to know, things that no one else knows, (or so I think). These things have been entrusted to me by someone who trusts me little and trusts no one else. I promised not to speak of these things. This someone wishes to has a voice but has been convinced it's not possible. I'm a writer, I give a voice to those without one...

But these secrets, they can't stay secrets. They need to be set free, the pain and the anger and the hurt, all the words that embody those emotions need to enter the air and allow room for healing. They need to come out because they are the truth...

Usually when one soul needs to speak the truth it's because another soul needs to hear it. It becomes complicated when one soul belongs to a child and the other soul, a parent. 

I am now responsible for what I know, and must somehow go to this parent without an attitude of condemnation and speak the truth in love. This parent intimidates me, as does the fact that the last time I told someone the truth about what they were doing I nearly lost them as a friend. I have plenty of doubts stacked against me, but one solid truth: God weeps at the brokenness of these souls and wants something better for both of them. If I want that too then all the doubt in the world won't stand in my way. If not, then "there blood will be on my hands". I have been called to be a watchmen (like Ezekiel) and if I see the impending danger and do nothing then I am just as guilty of their slaughter as the danger itself. 

Self preservation or soul saving...

Tell the truth, don't tell the truth...

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