Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Always Home

Awhile back I wrote a series of blogs called The Singer, The Songwriter, and The Finale (also the titles of a great trilogy by Calvin Miller).

The Singer is about a girl called to change the world with her voice. She has the voice of an angel and the temper of an undisciplined artist. However, combine her passion and her gift and you have a dynamite combination. But try telling her that. She learns through trial and error and until she takes the plunge, she'll never know for sure. If she wanted she could just take everyones word for it, but there comes a point where she has to find it out on her own. Hopefully the first day of the rest of her life is today.

And then there's The Songwriter, struggling with doubt, from herself and from people she thought she could trust. Constantly wondering if she has what it takes and at the same time knowing that if she changes even one life it will be enough. So she keeps writing. And she puts herself out there for the world to rule in favor or against her. Waiting...for the songs she writes to be sung.

The Finale, it's currently TBD. God has big plans for both of them, but He's not giving any spoilers, not even to them, though they ask. For these two sometimes only knowing there is a point is enough, and other times they want to know what the point is. Most of the time they're out of luck and all they're left to do is trust. Trust is a verb, something that's not enough to talk about, but you actually have to do it. I wish I could flip to the back of their stories and tell you how it ends, but I can't. All I know is that their stories already have the greatest endings, no matter what goes on along the way.

If there's anything that can be learned from these two is that sometimes the only way you know for sure is to risk it all. For the times that it doesn't work out the way you want (or thought), dust yourself off and try again, but do it differently this time. Other times things don't fall into place as quickly as you hoped, but don't give up, it doesn't mean they won't, it just means there's more to pay attention to. And if, for some odd (and unlikely) reason these two chase their dreams to the edge of the map and it's not what they thought or wanted, if it's not everything that was promised, there's always home.

Home...that one place they will never doubt if they belong.

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