Saturday, January 9, 2010

What to Say When Its too Late

Now bear with me for a second. What is our generations obsession with venting to the masses via the world wide web?! Now I'm not pointing fingers because I do it all the time(and am doing it now)but what happened to talking to actual people? Are psychiatrists going out of business yet? People are constantly telling completle strangers how frustrated they are or how sad they are or how in love they are. Am I the only one that finds it even just a little bit weird?! We have the hardest time telling that one guy/girl how much we need them or telling our best friend how much they hurt us and yet we can tell billions of strangers like it's no big deal. Podcasts, blogs, vlogs, they're everywhere and everyone has one or subscribes to one or both, I'm certainly guilty! And you'd think that with as much as I'm bitching that I hate this when that is the opposite of the truth!
I'm one of those who would rather tell a world full of strangers the truth than those who really need to hear it! It's easier!!! You don't have to see their faces or wait for a reaction, and even if they do respond it doesn't really matter because you weren't really talking to them anyway.Furthermore, and maybe I'm the only one that does this, but I find myself hoping that the person I really should be talking to is reading whatever I'm writing and will know that I'm talking to them so that I don't have to say it out loud. To their face. However it seems to be the case that the only person I want reading anything I write is the only person not and with no intention to. Go figure.But what do you do when telling the masses isn't satisfying anymore? You know what will remedy the situation, but do you dare take that step? In the past I have, and it didn't work out so well. Over time Ive become less brave I think. There are only so many times I want my heart to get broken, and I fulfilled that "quota" with the first time.I'm going to have to get over this, and so are all of you who hide behind a URL. We can't let it get to the point where it's too late to say it. I've been there's not any better.

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