Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Resistance

At the end of the month I'm moving to Los Angeles, well techinically the beginning of next month but they're so close together what does it really matter?!:) (I just realized this is the firist time I'm saying it out loud and by 'out loud' I mean online.)

I've been hesitant to post anything about it anywhere, and not because I'm afraid to tell people, but because sometimes I let peoples opinions matter too much. I don't like to ruffle feathers if I don't have to(some of you may be thinking that this decision shouldn't ruffle feathers, and you may be right)but it already has!When I first started thinking about this move I thought about the people I knew who would be suportive without question, my college leaders, my family, one of my closest friends, and then I thought of those who wouldn't be. I was wrong about that list. The people I expected to doubt me, question me, and downright disapprove surprised
me by telling me they were excited for me! That closest friend that I mentioned a few statements back surprised me too. She disapproves.

I'm a writer and hardly find myself without words, but upon hearing that news I was speechless, and part of me still is. How do you handle that? I wrestle with scrapping the whole idea because I value her opinion. Yet if I spend my whole life following someone elses opinion I'll never have one of my own. I want the people in my life to be supportive but I need to be careful about the extent I go to get that. I can't force the doubters to believe and I can't wait around for the day to come when they finally do because that day is 'maybe' at best. I don't want to wait my life away.So what then?! Do I risk losing my friend because she thinks I'm wrong and I don't? Or do I keep the peace and risk losing myself? 

A month ago I wouldve done whatever it took to keep the peace, but a lot changed in a month( a blog for another time), the girl I was a month ago was a little more lost than the one writing this today. A month ago I knew who I was but not what I wanted and wouldve listened to any ideas on what that should be. Now I know what I want and I'mnot afraid to go after it. My friend says that's selfish. Maybe it is. But I don't think so.

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