Monday, January 25, 2010

it doesnt work unless you do it all the way

so as many of you know(at least those reading this), my life has been a little drama-saturated over the last few months. every time i felt like i was nearing the end something else seemed to appear like magic to take its place...rather annoying actually! anyway, i had a friend facebook me and point out that a particular situation just doesnt seem to add up! and he would be correct it doesnt. and in the course of my pondering that fact, the light bulb came on...

the funny thing about surrender is that it truly is an 'all or nothing' scenario. you either give it all up or you dont because a half-hearted surrender isnt surrender at all. its a headache and a lot of maintanence! not worth it if you ask me! what i realized tonight was that if i am surrendering my "right" to fix a problem, then i am also surrendering my "right" to vent my frustration about it. if i am absolutely sure that there is nothing i can do and nothing that, at this point, im suppose to do then what possible good can come from getting all heated about it! my conclusion...NONE. there is absolutely no point to getting all worked up about something that you can do nothing about. so just dont do it! 

trust me, its a waste of time.

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