Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is the Coffee Really the Culpret?!

I was up late last night updating my blogs, both in posts and in appearance. And on top of that i was familiarizing myself with some new blogs that i decided to follow. Not thinking much of it, i continued to drink the cup of coffee i had well past the point i should have...til 3 am to be exact, and that was on top of the handful of chocolate covered espresso beans that i had already consumed. Boy was i a mess. I logged off just after three because my eyes werent focusing on the screen anymore. But once in bed i was wide awake. It was rather frustrating because my body was tired but my mind wasnt and it was awake doing absolutely nothing! Does this happen to anyone else? Normally caffiene doesnt effect me this way(maybe it isnt to blame at all), over the years ive built up an unhealthy high tolerance to it, but i cant think of what else couldve caused it. I operated all day on one and a half hours of sleep, i was sure that i would want a nap, especially with the weather the way it was today, but i never got there. Hopefully ill sleep tonight, i tend to get cranky if i go too long without any real sleep. If tonight is a repeat of last then pray for my family as tomorrow might not go well for them:)

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