Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feeling a Thought

im sitting at my computer downloading a bunch of music onto my ipod touch, reading blogs to pass the time and i stumble upon this quote...

Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought. ~ E. Y. Harburg

"...a song makes you feel a thought."


there are currently over two thousand songs on my ipod and i add more every day(the labor of having too many cds)and it amazes me how each song extracts something specific from my soul. tonight ive listened to everything from Imogen Heap to Low vs Diamond and System of a Down to Nada can only imagine the thoughts that ive felt during the course of the last few hours. some of these thoughts i have all the time, they come and go as they please. and others ive never had before, they make me stop and ponder where it came from and what its doing in the forefront of my mind.

ive found that now i know what to call it..."feeling a thought"...i rather enjoy the whole process. i get to discover a little bit more of myself every time, and it doesnt matter how many times ive heard the song.

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