Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do I Have to Pick Just One?

I read this blog written by Hilarie Burton called "Many Best Friends". (if you havent read it and would like to go to www.sogopro.com and click on "blogs". you wont regret it.) She opens the blog with this statement:

"I have a lot of best friends. People tend to tease me about this habit. Some say you can only have one best friend. But my life has been so divided up into separate little chapters, that it's hard to pick just one. It's a little like trying to pick your favorite film or book character of all time. I mean, what kinda book are we talking about??? Biography? I'm a sucker for Edna St. Vincent Millay or Carson McCullers. Novel? The Spaulding brothers in Dandelion Wine. Or Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Or hell, I'm still a geek for Anne of Green Gables. I can't pick. Same goes for my friends."

Do you ever have that problem? You know the one where someone asks you to name your favorite movie and you name off your top five because you cant pick just one? Or you name your top movie according to genre? So where then did this notion came from, that we can name only one "best friend" and that everyone else comes in at a close second? Honestly, if we cant name our all time favorite movie should we be able to narrow down our "best friend" to one person? I think not! A "best friend" is not that one person that you happen to stumble upon and for the rest of your lives theyre right next to you(though that does hold true for some). People come into your life and will either stay for a time or stay for life. Regardless of the length that time isnt wasted and shouldnt be taken for granted!
I lost touch with my best friend from the second grade. But I have the pictures and the notes that proves she existed! I recently got back in touch with my best friend from high school, and its like we never missed a day even though its been a few years! I have a best friend now! And you may be asking what makes them the best in their own right, and heres the answer. A "best friend" is someone that brings out the best in you and drives you to be the best version of yourself. I don't think that's a one man job, for anyone. Some will need your compassion above everything else you have to offer, while others will need your determination or your courage. Each of them saw something in me worth believeing in and that faith remains unmatched!

Hilarie goes on to say, "...I have made more best friends in different places. And in my opinion, that doesn't diminish the importance of any of the friendships that came before."

Life happens, we move away, we grow up and/or grow apart, but that doesnt change the fact that they were there, with you when you needed them the most. The majority of the people that are in my life now werent a decade ago, and those who were ten years ago arent now. Life happens. Yet, it's good for the soul, both yours and those you talk to, to take time and recognize the "bests" in your life. You can never go wrong with remembering how blessed you are and being thankful for that!

Hilarie ends her blog with this..."If your friend isn't "The Best" then what's the point??"

There is no point. Now there is a difference between being the "best" and being "perfect". I dont have any perfect friends(and if youre looking for one im sorry), but I do have the very best friends in the world! They tell me the truth when I dont want to hear it and hold me while I'm falling apart. They make me laugh when I've spent all night crying and tell me it's going to be okay even when it isnt. "We (both) laugh really loud and rant and go off on tangents and LOVE it."  I couldnt have chosen better friends if I had been able to hand pick them myself.

My "best" will always be "them". It will always be plural. 

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